Happy Birthday, Anna Helen!
We had a great day! Anna was VERY grateful to everyone that said "Happy Birthday!" to her. Each time she would would exclaim "thank you!!!" Brian and I took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate both of their days. Anna had only seen Chuck E. Cheese on TV commercials so as we approached the building she yelled "MY CHUCKY CHEESES!!" (she didn't know we were going there) And that is what she continues to call it. They played and ate pizza. Anna loved putting tickets into her pocket and Noah loved playing with tokens. It was fun. As we put our coats on Anna exclaimed "it's my best birthday ever!!" It was hilarious. Tonight, we celebrated with cake and ice cream and presents with both sets of Grandparents, Brian's Grandma and my niece Amber. (Amber is 17 and has walked on my FOA team for two years straight...just wanted to give her a proper shout out! LOL! HOLLA! She's a reader of mine) I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I do! This girl is something wonderful. So funny, so smart and very creative. I'm amazed at how suddenly she's a little girl now, not a baby or a toddler, but a little girl. I love it. I love her!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANNA HELEN PLETCHER! (what she calls herself!)
I could stare at this picture for hours!
Life was good at this point. We were barely through the doors at Chuck E. Cheese and they already at balloons. We could have left and they would have been thrilled!
At 1/26/2006 07:48:00 AM, Penny said…
isn't i strange how kids can get so over joyed about balloons LOL. Looks like Anna had a special day. I love her quilt. I gave Sam bedding for his third birthday. She sure looks like you Beth.. but she has these whispers of Brian. :)
At 1/26/2006 09:42:00 AM, Christy M. said…
The pictures are wonderful! I'm so glad that Anna had such a wonderful day. You are the best mommy every!! You were very brave to take them to Chucky's! I haven't gone there yet with BJ.
And Penny's right, that girl looks SO much like you. She's beautiful like her mommy!!
At 1/26/2006 10:41:00 AM, Tracy said…
WOW, she has turned into a little girl. Where did the toddler das go?? I love the pictures. The excitment in her eyes is contagious!! So glad that Anna Helen Pletcher had a wonderful day!!!
At 1/26/2006 12:56:00 PM, Anonymous said…
She's beautiful Beth! I just sat here and looked at the picture with her and the cake, and thought about how, before I know it, that will be my Lucy, with those long pig tails and looking so grown up. sigh.
At 1/26/2006 05:00:00 PM, Sara T said…
Sounds like she had a great birthday!!!! She really is ADORABLE Beth! I LOVED the pic of her with the cake!!!!! That could be on a magazine!
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