Monday, May 15, 2006


Today could not have been more exciting for me. No sickness. (well, not much) No preparing for a trip. No medicine or runny noses. No unpacking. A normal day. Cleaning. Organizing. Just getting the house back in order. Making dinner. Playtime. Bathtime. Bedtime.
A really good day.

Noah is doing amazing. It's hard to believe this little boy was so sick not one week ago. His penis looks 100% healed. Praised God. I showed "the picture" to some family and none of them were prepared for it, no matter how I described it before hand. It was much worse. I would share the picture, but that probably wouldn't be such a good idea. It was awful.

Anna was great today. Although she is running a slight fever, 100 degrees or so, it's nothing too serious, we're just watching her closely.

I am better. Just dealing with the side effects of my antibiotics. And Brian feels better. It's funny because both of our ears are still popping. Oh well, it was worth the trip.

Happy days are here again. I am GRATEFUL.

I leave you with a picture of Anna in her outfit of the morning and a picture of Noah enjoying his snack from his Grandma's last night.


  • At 5/15/2006 11:50:00 PM, Blogger Penny said…

    Quite an outfit on that girl :)
    and Noah he looks soo much better

  • At 5/16/2006 07:41:00 AM, Blogger Sara T said…

    Glad to hear that you are all "back"! I hope Anna's fever goes away and she doesn't get sick. No more sickness for any of you all! :) Noah looks WONDERFUL!! No way can you show me that pic...I'll have a heart attack! I know I will cry for no no!!! I am such a heart on the sleeve type of girl when it comes to kids. Jeez that get a scratch and I want to cry. LOL!!! He is such a handsome handsome HANDSOME boy. I love LOVE his looks and smiles.

    I am so telling you...Anna WILL be doing something in fashion. That girl loves it!! She is too darling for words.

  • At 5/16/2006 07:42:00 AM, Blogger Sara T said…

    Can I just tell you how much I hate that word verification...I get it wrong every time. LMAO!!! I always get the hardest

    Seriously! LOL! hahahhahaha!

  • At 5/16/2006 01:35:00 PM, Blogger Christy M. said…

    Glad everything is getting back to normal. Who said regular, plain old, daily life was boring, right?

  • At 5/16/2006 09:25:00 PM, Blogger Mich said…

    Is Anna always so solemn in the morning?? Is it that she's got a fever or does she know the great amusement we get from her fashion choices?!?!? ;-) SO glad that everyone is on the upswing. Sickness SUCKS.


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